Social Compliance Policy

Klash (Private) Limited is committed to provide a work place environment complying and compatible with all applicable laws. The facility discourages discrimination, employment of child and forced labour, harassment/abuse or corporal punishment and all other activities that contradict with local laws and buyer's code of conduct (COC).

Klash has got many awards of social compliance year by year. Currently valid awards are mentioned below.
  • Awards


    <a href='img/complaince/KLASH2013PK0153-page-001%20(1).jpg'>Aitex Certificate For Klash Private Limited (Dye House Unit)</a>
  • ISO 9001 2008 AWARD

    ISO 9001 2008 Certificate Page 1-Klash
  • ISO 9001 AWARD PAGE 2

    ISO 9001 2008 Certificate Page 2-Klash
  • WRAP Certificate

    Gold Certificate of compliance  awarded to klash By WRAP